15th Congress of SAARC Association of Anaesthesiologist 2024
50 years of BSA-CCPP golden jubilee celebration

Abstract Form
LANGUAGE: The abstract must be typed and presented in Standard English.
FONT: Times New Roman, Font Size- 10.
WORD LIMIT: The abstract must be written within 300 words, excluding the title and the names of the author (s) and their institutions.
CONTENT: The submitted abstracts must contain the following:
- Objective(s): State the main objective of the study.
- Materials and methods: Briefly describe the study’s design and how it was conducted.
- Results: Present the main results with appropriate statistics.
- Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.
- Keywords ( no more than 5) & Acknowledgement/disclosure
- The presenting author’s name must be underlined.
- The presenting author’s name, institution, address, telephone, and email address must be provided.
- Presenting authors must be registered for the conference.
RIGHTS TO PUBLISH: In submitting the abstracts the authors also grant the 15th SAARC AA Congress Scientific Committee the right to publish the abstract in the proceedings book.
DEADLINE: All abstracts must be received by 10th September 2024.
ACCEPTANCE: The presenting author shall be notified of the status of the abstract after being reviewed by the Scientific Committee through email. Authors selected for oral & poster presentations will be informed by the 30th September 2024. Finalization regarding the selection of abstract and type of presentation (oral or poster) will be at the sole discretion of the scientific committee of the 15th SAARC AA Congress.
Through Email to saarcaa2024@gmail.com, or bsabdcom@gmail.com